Can the Consent be Taken a Few Days before the Procedure?


Emedinexus    14 January 2024

Recall of informed consent is not affected by the timing of obtaining informed consent before any procedure.


Evidence: Sixty patients scheduled for colonoscopy or esophagogastroduodenoscopy were enrolled in a prospective, randomized study. Each patient received informed consent 24-72 hours or immediately before the procedure, and follow-up occurred 1-3 days post procedure. There was no statistically significant difference in recall of informed consent or the individual elements of informed consent (indication, risks, benefits, alternatives) between the two groups. The study concluded that recall of informed consent is similar whether consent is obtained immediately or several days before endoscopic procedures.


1. Elfant AB, Korn C, Mendez L, et al. Recall of informed consent after endoscopic procedures. Dis Colon Rectum 1995;38(1):1-3.

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