ICMR-NIN launch Nutrify India Now, Indias first comprehensive nutrition related Mobile App


eMediNexus    01 July 2018

Nutrify India Now, a mobile App developed by the Hyderabad based ICMR – National Institute of Nutrition (ICMR-NIN) has been released by Dr Balram Bhargava, Secretary, Department of Health Research and Director General, ICMR.

Nutrify India Now acts as a nutri-guide or a companion that would help you assess the nutrients one gets from foods one consumes. It also helps the users keep track of energy balance (consumed vs. expended), while providing comprehensive nutritional information on Indian Foods, common Indian recipes including calories, proteins, vitamins & minerals. Nutrify India Now makes available the raw food names in 17 Indian languages and is tailored to provide the most comprehensive nutritional guide using Indian guidelines prescribed by ICMR. The App is available for free download in both android and IOS on online app stores… (ICMR, June 29, 2018)

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