Motility of the left colon in children and adolescents with functional constipation.


eMediNexus    02 August 2018

The goal of a new study published in Neurogastroenterology and Motility was to determine whether the lack of postprandial increase in distal colonic cyclic motor patterns in children with functional constipation (FC) could be detected using a solid-state (SS) manometry catheter. This was a retrospective analysis which recruited 19 children with FC (median age 11.1 years), who underwent colonic manometry with an SS catheter. Data were compared with previously published data using a water-perfused (WP) catheter recorded from 18 children with FC (median age 15 years). The results revealed that the cyclic motor patterns recorded by the SS catheter were comparable to those previously recorded by the WP catheter. In addition, an increase in this activity in response to the meal could not be detected in either group. In a majority of the patients, long-single motor patterns were recorded with the SS catheter. While the number of these events were similar to the WP recordings. Furthermore, in the SS data, high-amplitude propagated contractions (HAPCs) were observed in 4 children prior to the meal and in 5 after the meal, which did not differ significantly from the WP data. Hence, it was concluded that data recorded by SS manometry did not differ from WP manometry data. Moreover, regardless of the catheter used, both studies revealed an abnormal colonic response to a meal, indicating a pathology which is not related to the catheter used to record these data.

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